Young Dubs
Welcome to a special page on our website for young V-Dub lovers!
Check out our first downloadable fun sheet – there’s a wordsearch and a funky V-Dub to colour in!
Just added - downloadable fun sheet no.2! – see if you can solve our maze and design you own V-Dub Beetle!
We’ll be adding more of these fun sheets soon, and there will be a special competition for the Under 14s coming to V-Dub Island this Summer!
Island Creations Children's Area
Island Creations will be running a fantastic area for younger visitors to V-Dub Island. Within their area, they are offering activities such as Face Painting, Glitter Tattoos and a fantastic Play Area for a very reasonable price of £2.50 per activity, however, you can buy Day Passes or a Full Event (5-Day) Pass at even lower prices by booking in advance! Click Here for more details…
to email Island Creations to pre-book your weekend or day passes!