Vehicle Name: 'The Drain Rod'
Owner: Paul and Julie Glaire
I first became aware of DAMAGE V-DUB club when they invited me to park my air suspended mk1 caddy on their display at a local show 3 years ago. It was a very nice welcoming into the world of aircooled, so I sold the caddy and started looking for a project.
This is what happens when a beetle is left standing on someone’s drive for 3 years and then I get my hands on it… I removed all the rust and this is all that was left, a Volksrod.
Its not everyone’s cup of tea I know. It’s got a 4" roofchop 5" channel and suicide doors. Up front it has 10" beam extension, drop spindles and air shocks, rear has 4" engine/box lift and air bags, home made rear lights and belt cover.
I've done all the work myself except the wiring. The custom art work on the glove boxes and the pin-striping was done by best mate Nathan. It’s an on going project so is forever changing. The best and cheapest accessories so far are the Pot Noodle hubcaps!
This has been my first aircooled car and it would have taken me a lot longer to get this far with it if it wasn’t for the friendly help and advice from all the guys at DAMAGE.